Hello all! 
Happy Monday to you!

As promised yesterday in the head coaches meeting I am sending all of the links, and surveys. I have a Google forms/survey attached for you to share with your teams, so that we get an idea of what the interests are for coaches certifications and trainings this year, as well as Fall outings and sports offerings. 

This is the link to the Microsoft teams that will be available to students daily for Adapted PE/Special Olympics Fitness/and Music Therapy live starting this Monday from 8:00AM-9:30AM M-F. Feel free to add this into your instructional day at the live session or later using the YouTube recording. 

YouTube Channel link for daily recorded videos:

We have the kits coming to support these videos and fit 5 soon. The supplies are being delivered to Drew for assembly next week. 

We will have YA kit options also available and are working on videos to support our Young Athletes also! 

These are the return to play guidelines, when we practice and compete during the school day we are under DPSCD rules. When we practice or play outside of the school day we must follow the following procedures however many of the protocols are the same as you will see. 

All of the links for trainings and materials needed for the return to play guidelines are located at the bottom of this web page. 

All F2F coaches should complete the online training prior to any F2F events. We are working on DPSCD approvals to offer some in person options of those sports that we discussed such as Cycling, Bocce, Horseshoes, Athletics, Walking Clubs, Cross-Fit (Fit 5), Golf, and Flag-Football for Drew. 

This is the Fall Games registration for the students to register either as an individual at home or a team. Partners are welcome and encouraged to register too and will be matched with an athlete for a Unified score. Please make sure that the athletes know that we are delegation Area 26 Detroit when they register so we can cover the 30.00 registration fee for them. 
This is the link to the Fall SO survey form so I can gage interest in our sports and virtual options that are available: 

Thanks so much!! 


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